RedChilli new fleet for Cycle Retreats

An introduction to our latest fleet bikes and a review of how they performed on their maiden voyage. RedChilli Bike First Ride We are so pleased with our latest editions to the family and to be introducing our newest partner to you, we will be bringing you more information on the partnership and how you […]

Cycle Retreats Lite

Cycle Retreats Lite Cycle Retreats is a unique cycling experience and that is why so many people keep coming back for more adventures on our weeklong experiences.  For some it is the stunning cycling regions in Europe we cover, for others it’s the local authentic cuisine and to relax in the handpicked boutique hotels and […]

Zone 2 – What is it all about?

So, we all hear about Zone 2 riding, sweet spot riding, Threshold, Vo2 Max etc. Today we will explore what a Zone 2 ride looks and to touch upon why we do them. For this blog, it is assumed we all know what Zone 2 is. If you are unsure, please read my blog Training Basics […]

Our latest Edition

Jalon or Xaló as the local Valencian ‘s speaker pronounces it, is the home of Cycle Retreats, and where Zoe and Mark built the dream of what is now a household name in luxury cycling holidays. Recent COVID restrictions forced Cycle Retreats to change the model they were working towards of an all-year-round Retreat in […]

Race Day Maastricht 70.3 – August 2022

Once we arrived in Maastricht and Mark set the bikes up, we ventured out to see the event city.  At think point I was quite calm and excited to buy merchandise and to see my name in lights, well on an overpriced t-shirt! As we walked over the Maas River my tummy flipped out and […]

Maastricht 70.3 – The Training

After many years of standing on the sidelines to watch my wonderful husband run down red carpets, I figured it was time I had a go. I must tell you that this isn’t the first time I have signed up for a 70.3 event or a triathlon of any kind. I have actually signed up […]

Carbohydrates… Our Friend?

Can we have our cake and eat it too? For many years people have given our friend the carbohydrate a bad name. For us cyclists and athletes they have a fundamental place in our fueling system, so let take a little bit more time to reunite with our energy giving pal… the carbohydrate. Carbohydrates often […]

Ironman Vitoria Gasteiz 2021

It’s 5am and the alarm goes off… not that I needed it I’ve been awake for a few hours excited that the day is finally here.    The race is a split transition so I get dropped off up at T1 or as near to it as we can, Zoe heads off to park the […]

Hill Climbing

Does the thought of hill climbing sends you into a panic? your legs are burning at the very thought of the idea; you avoid them at all costs for fear of failure … Sound familiar?  Hill climbing is one of the many key skills of being a cyclist, and like anything you can improve upon. […]

Fitness Data – The Good & The Bad 

These days, we have all the fitness data we can throw a stick at, giving us real time feedback on each performance. Great, I here you say! But is this potentially having a detrimental impact on you and your training? I often hear many riders consistently talking about chasing targets, KOMS QOMS, improved threshold power; […]